Friday, 28 September 2012

Monday is October 1st and the start of Downs Syndrome awearness month.

So its just around the corner, 3 sleeps and I am going to open up to the world and tell people all about my inspirational little daughter Lani who has Downs Syndrome. I am excited yet a little nervous, nervous because I just have no clue what reaction we will get, I think it will be good and positive but its worrying to be open to everyone, some of whom may make unkind comments, this is probably just me worrying though.

My friends have all said they will read it every day and I have people even from Russia who have had a look so far. It does surprise me how many people seem to have known someone with DS and yet before I met Lani I never had any experience.

I will be busy prepping all weekend for the launch on Monday so you wont here from me until then, but I hope you all have a great weekend, have some fun and don't forget to think of some questions.......

Mondays post will be entitled........

Down’s Syndrome diagnosis just 3 hours after birth

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Following on from yesterdays request for questions I have had a few come into my inbox via facebook which is cool, but everyone is also welcome to ask questions on my blog page :)

It has been suggested to me that people may not know how to ask questions they want to know in case they say "somthing wrong" and upset people. I say dont worry, ask away, asking questions isnt mean its the only way we all learn and I bet that most people will want to ask the same question so lets just try it.  

Also I now have a follower ...... its my hubby!!!!!.....if anyone else wants to follow Lani than that would be great :) it would be wonderful to have people involved.

In the few days we have been building up to the start of the project we have had nearly 500 views - WOW thats brilliant, we dont have anyone from Africa or South America yet !!!!!! will it happen??????

Dont forget to tell your friends and family all about our 1 month project which starts in just 5 sleeps.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

What a response Lani has had.

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has taken time out to check out the blog about Lani, we have gone world wide in just one day..... Poland, USA, France, Germany, Greece and a huge amount from the UK. I am feeling so excited to get started in just 6 sleeps.

I have got lots of ideas how this blog may work and look, I would love to invite all of you to ask any questions you may like to know about Lanis Downs Syndrome or how we help her to achive her potential.
The more questions the better as it may also help me to learn.

As I am new to all of this, I also need to ask you for some help...... I cant work out how to find my blog address (if you even call them addresses!!!!) some of my friends dont have face book, how will they find me??? Also if everyone with facebook could repost the blog so all of there friends could see and ask your friends to repost or ask everyone to check it out (when we find out how to find it) we could reach out to so many more people.

Thank you again.......6 Sleeps :)

Monday, 24 September 2012

The month of October is Downs Syndrome Awareness Month and I am hoping to do this blog on a daily basis to give an insite to "the world of Lani". Lani is such an active little girl, nearly 11 months old and we do lots of things to help maximise her potential. I hope that by sharing what we do with you it may give you a deeper understanding of what Downs Syndrome is and how it effects Lani, us and her family and friends.

I feel upbeat and postive about Lani's designer genes and I will try and share my feelings with you too as we go on this month long journey.

I am more than happy for anyone to give feedback both postive and constructive, but please remember at the end of the day I am a mum with feelings and when people are mean about my daughter I get sad, so if your not going to be nice please dont comment.

Getting ready to launch Lani to the World

Reason for Blog - To help show the world that having Downs Syndrome is OK. To help to bing awearness and education to everyone that cares.

Tagline - Lielani is a beautiful happy baby.

Introduction - Lielani has Down Syndrome Trisomy 21. The term "trisomy" is used to describe the presence of three chromosomes, rather than the usual pair of chromosomes. For example, if a baby is born with three #21 chromosomes, rather than the usual pair, the baby would be said to have "trisomy 21." Trisomy 21 is also known as Down syndrome.

Bragging rights - Leilani at 9 and half months old crawled, says "Dada", claps, rolls, sits up straight, passes toys from hand to hand, raspberrys, eats semi solid food, can finger feed herself, anticipates games we play with her ie round and round the garden and the grand old duke of york, can kneel and play, has started to form an oppinion on which foods she likes and dislikes.

Occupation - Learning to be a well rounded baby.

Lives - Near Andover in Wiltshire.

Mum and Dad - Livvy and Lee Gosney.