Wednesday, 2 October 2013

"The World of Lani" Year 2 - October is Downs Syndrome Awareness Month 2013..

 “The World of Lani” blog is starting again for the whole of October 2013.

Its October and that means its Downs Syndrome Awareness month.

Hi everyone, well its been a year since I last blogged about our beautiful little girl Leilani. 

During October I plan once again to blog about Lani every working day and give you all an insight into “The world of Lani”. How time has flown by, so much has happened and of course she has grown up so much. 

Just like last year I plan to talk about specific subjects each day, do a blog diary of our day hopefully with some pictures and answer any questions you may have. I am very open to being asked anything about Lanis Downs Syndrome so please feel free to ask away.

Help me to spread the word and repost my blog onto your Face Book, Tweet about it, Shout about it lol lets just spread it as far as we can again this year, its about trying to give people a greater understanding of Down Syndrome, promote it in a positive / useful way so that people with Downs Syndrome are more understood and therefore more accepted into society. 

My only note of caution is to anyone who wants to post anything unkind on my blog page, please don’t I am a human being and have feelings, my baby girl is my world and unkind words are not welcome, this is a space for positivity, happiness, rejoice, learning and acceptance please lets keep it that way.

livvy xx

1 comment:

  1. Michelle Simpson2 October 2013 at 07:42

    I look fwd to reading it Livvy x
