Why Downs Syndrome leaves you with a low immune system
Well after yesterday’s year update its tuff to know where to
start – I have so much I want to tell you….which subject to choose??? Ok let’s
go for a few things I mentioned in yesterday’s blog.
Whooping Cough – did you know that babies don’t always have
the “whoop” with whooping cough?? Lani didn’t which is why it took so long for
them to diagnose it. My gut instinct kept on telling me to take her to the
doctors and every time they came up with a different reason for her coughing, I
filmed her on my phone having a coughing fit and took that in to show a doctor
and she said straight away what it was (this is such a good tip for anyone who
has baby who as soon as they get to the doctors won’t show the symptoms your
telling the doctor about). Did you know Doctors can’t solve Whooping Cough they can only
give you antibiotics to stop it spreading. Like I said yesterday Lani has had
all of her injections so you would imagine she would be covered for all of
these elements, this is not the case with Lani as she has such a low immune
system she could catch anything she comes into contact with, that worries me a
bit or should I say it makes me more aware that Lanis symptoms could be more
serious than any doctor may initially think.
Lanis coughing went on for what seemed like forever, she got
a lot worse at night and so I slept in with her on the floor as she could on
bad nights have maybe only 10 minutes between coughing fits. We brought a
humidifier for her room which to be honest I am not sure it helped, just cost a
lot and made a lot of noise, but we will as parents try everything to help our
little ones.
At about 2 months in to the cough lanis breathing changed and
so we took her to the Doctors again (they must have been fed up past the back
teeth with seeing us in the surgery) they confirmed she had Croup so now we
were dealing with Whooping Cough, Croup and sleep deprivation…OMG looking back
how did we cope with that??
The coughing slowly stopped and the Croup cleared up and for
a while there we were back to wellness, not for long though as Lani came down
with a very bad case of tonsillitis. How do you know if a baby’s got
tonsillitis I hear you ask?? Well I had no clue what was wrong with her but
that morning she didn’t want to wake up and when I was dressing her she was
sleepy and floppy (usually getting dressed time is a wriggly struggle – lani’s
middle name should have been “Houdini” lol). She had a slight shakiness to her
which I could not decide if she was shaking or not but she was as white as a
sheet and uninterested in breakfast, so I decided to call up the Doctors and
get them to check her over. When I gave the Doctor the symptoms over the phone
he asked me to bring her straight into surgery and he would see her
immediately, true to his word as soon as we arrived we were taken straight in.
He checked her and decided it was tonsillitis, she had more antibiotics and
came home for a cuddles and TV day.
night Lani was put up to bed and I didn’t check her until we went up a bit
later, I looked into her cot and there was blood on the sheet at the head end,
I picked her up even though she was fast asleep and checked her, there was no
obvious cuts on her so I called 111 and spoke to a paramedic who was suggesting
she may have cut her mouth with sharp nails, nope I keep her nails short so it
wasn’t that, he said he had never heard of a little baby’s tonsils bursting so
he wanted a doctor to call us. The 111 service was brilliant and as promised a
Doctor called us with in minutes and he said it’s very rare for them to burst
at her age but no doubt that was what had happened. Poor Lani she was very
poorly, we had lots of time at home for her to recover.
So my title today was “why does Downs Syndrome leave you
with a low immune system?” if your interested you will have to Google it
yourself as I have just spent 5 minutes reading a few sites and firstly it’s
all very “doctor speak” nothing in layman’s terms so I don’t really understand
it and secondly I read how people with DS are more likely to get Leukaemia
because of their low immune system. I just can’t handle reading about that as I
will just worry and probably never sleep again so I quit looking that subject, self-preservation.
What I do know and I am happy to think about is how I can
help to improve her immune system, we give Lani multi vitamins. No let me
rephrase that – we “try” to give Lani multi vitamins!! They come in drop form
and she hates them, when I put it on her dinner she won’t eat it so over all 3
meals of the day I put just a few drops in to try and dilute it so she does not
notice which works most of the time. When she is 3 she will be allowed to have chewy
ones which are like sweets, I think that will help. Also we are going to be
asking our consultant at hospital to refer us to a dietician who may help us
also. The other thing we do is give lani an armpit massage as I have been told
massaging this area stimulates the immune system – we are happy to give
anything a go and Lani likes me massaging her.
Fridays are always my day off so I will where
possible never arrange any baby clubs ect, so today we did a bit of shopping
and just pottered around our house. I am teaching Lani numbers so we do lots of
counting at every opportunity and I am also potty training Lani (I will post on
this subject soon), life even on a day off is busy. Also today we as a family
are waiting for news of a new baby about to join us, this will mean that Lani
is no longer the baby of the family – happy face.
Hi livvy, massaging Lani's legs stimulates the immune system too xx