Monday 24 September 2012

Getting ready to launch Lani to the World

Reason for Blog - To help show the world that having Downs Syndrome is OK. To help to bing awearness and education to everyone that cares.

Tagline - Lielani is a beautiful happy baby.

Introduction - Lielani has Down Syndrome Trisomy 21. The term "trisomy" is used to describe the presence of three chromosomes, rather than the usual pair of chromosomes. For example, if a baby is born with three #21 chromosomes, rather than the usual pair, the baby would be said to have "trisomy 21." Trisomy 21 is also known as Down syndrome.

Bragging rights - Leilani at 9 and half months old crawled, says "Dada", claps, rolls, sits up straight, passes toys from hand to hand, raspberrys, eats semi solid food, can finger feed herself, anticipates games we play with her ie round and round the garden and the grand old duke of york, can kneel and play, has started to form an oppinion on which foods she likes and dislikes.

Occupation - Learning to be a well rounded baby.

Lives - Near Andover in Wiltshire.

Mum and Dad - Livvy and Lee Gosney.

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