Monday 24 September 2012

The month of October is Downs Syndrome Awareness Month and I am hoping to do this blog on a daily basis to give an insite to "the world of Lani". Lani is such an active little girl, nearly 11 months old and we do lots of things to help maximise her potential. I hope that by sharing what we do with you it may give you a deeper understanding of what Downs Syndrome is and how it effects Lani, us and her family and friends.

I feel upbeat and postive about Lani's designer genes and I will try and share my feelings with you too as we go on this month long journey.

I am more than happy for anyone to give feedback both postive and constructive, but please remember at the end of the day I am a mum with feelings and when people are mean about my daughter I get sad, so if your not going to be nice please dont comment.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely little girl. There is a brilliant column in the Times every Tuesday (I think it's still running) by Tom Bickerby - About a Boy - he also has a little boy with Downs. Really worth reading.
