Friday 28 September 2012

Monday is October 1st and the start of Downs Syndrome awearness month.

So its just around the corner, 3 sleeps and I am going to open up to the world and tell people all about my inspirational little daughter Lani who has Downs Syndrome. I am excited yet a little nervous, nervous because I just have no clue what reaction we will get, I think it will be good and positive but its worrying to be open to everyone, some of whom may make unkind comments, this is probably just me worrying though.

My friends have all said they will read it every day and I have people even from Russia who have had a look so far. It does surprise me how many people seem to have known someone with DS and yet before I met Lani I never had any experience.

I will be busy prepping all weekend for the launch on Monday so you wont here from me until then, but I hope you all have a great weekend, have some fun and don't forget to think of some questions.......

Mondays post will be entitled........

Down’s Syndrome diagnosis just 3 hours after birth

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