Wednesday 26 September 2012


Following on from yesterdays request for questions I have had a few come into my inbox via facebook which is cool, but everyone is also welcome to ask questions on my blog page :)

It has been suggested to me that people may not know how to ask questions they want to know in case they say "somthing wrong" and upset people. I say dont worry, ask away, asking questions isnt mean its the only way we all learn and I bet that most people will want to ask the same question so lets just try it.  

Also I now have a follower ...... its my hubby!!!!!.....if anyone else wants to follow Lani than that would be great :) it would be wonderful to have people involved.

In the few days we have been building up to the start of the project we have had nearly 500 views - WOW thats brilliant, we dont have anyone from Africa or South America yet !!!!!! will it happen??????

Dont forget to tell your friends and family all about our 1 month project which starts in just 5 sleeps.

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