Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cause and effect how Lani understands some things but her Downs Syndrome will hinder understanding of other things.

Cause and effect how Lani understands some things but her Downs Syndrome will hinder understanding of other things. 

Cause and Effect – well we all understand that life is all about understanding cause and effect, when your a baby you learn that if you cry you get a cuddle, if you eat your hunger goes when you grow a little you learn that if you roll you get somewhere new, if you bang a toy noise happens etc etc so how does a DS kid learn?? The same I guess but there are some notable differences, it will / does take Lani longer to understand the effect of her actions. We also have to be very aware that Lani and other children with DS have a very high pain threshold and in some cases don’t feel pain. This could be a big / dangerous factor as if she puts her hand on a radiator that is on she could burn herself, I have also been told how one person I know knew a child who broke her arm and didn’t react at all, so its a real worry. We help Lani a lot to understand cause and effect, every day we play games on my phone such as balloon popping where Lani has to pop the balloon before it floats off, we also play the piano / drums on my phone and she know now to touch it and a noise will happen – Lani seems to have a good understanding of it so we are pleased and as for the lack of pain issue we are conscious to keep an eye on it but Lani did cry at her first injections so I know she has some understanding of pain. 

Blog diary

24th October 2012


Busy morning, we went to special school today which was as usual great, we sang songs, had bubbles, did some play time with treasure baskets (treasure baskets are great – today we had a wooden basket with all wooden items in such as a soft hair brush, pine cone, trinket box, cork all sorts of things which will help Lani understand the world and its all very sensory). We also played with glitter and glue.... messy lol. Lani ate toast, raisins and an orange today which  she loved, we did good buy songs and said good buy for 2 weeks.
We went around to see a friend and spent  a few hours chatting and chilling, its so important as a mum to have friends who I can chat too, my friend today has a little boy with DS so chatting with her gives me knowledge and confidence to deal with our lives. 


 Lani has slept... All afternoon!!!! Very strange, she likes a sleep but never slept this long. 


I hope this sleep will not mean she does not sleep tonight as with our hospital appt tomorrow we all need to sleep. 

Usual routine and a nice bath to help settle her down.

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