Monday 15 October 2012

Were in the paper whoop whoop Downs Syndrome getting some press time.

Two weeks ago today I started a blog about Lani and never would I have thought that in just two weeks over 2500 people have logged on and looked. Thank you all so much. I have been told its made you laugh, cry and go Aaaarrrrrhhhhhh’s at the pictures, this is what its all about briging knowledge and fun, I hope the next two weeks are as much of a sucsess. Our Local paper has now got involved and has written an article about this blog and Lani.... So so so chuffed. 


Lani was christened in August and it was a lovely hot sunny day (the only one this year I hear you say lol), I thought it would be nice for you to read what it was that Lee and said. We stood toghether side by side infront of the congregation, held hands and told the world about our princess.  

Lanis Christening speech.

We both feel very blessed to have Lani in our lives as she brings us such joy, every day we wake up to smiles; every day lani surprises us with a new skill, whether it be clapping, rolling or a new funny face. Every day we have the privilege of wearing her breakfast when she raspberries her weetabix all over us.

As you may know Lee loves anything designer....Ralph Lauren shirts, Paul Smith sox, well now we have a designer daughter, Lani has an extra chromosome ...trisomy 21 which makes her “jeans” even more designer than the apple bottom type.

The world calls it Downs Syndrome but we as a family have renamed it to Up syndrome, the reason for this is because Lani is such a happy child, so contented and lively, Lani could melt any ones heart with her smile.

We are on a different path than we expected when I was pregnant and this path has brought us so many unexpected joys, it has showed us how much kindness there is in the world.

From meeting people in the medical profession who have gone out on a limb to help us, other parents who are in the same position as us taking time out to show their love and support, friends who have laughed with us when Lani is messing about and helped wipe our tears away when we have had worrying times, family who have shown true love and who have been on this journey every step of the way.

To all of you here, thank you for being part of Lanis life and we as a family look forward to continuing our journey up this happy and fulfilling path. 


Blog diary

15th October 2012


Late again!!! I do need to sort out a morning routine.  Up and off to the preschool for a playgroup today, I like this one as its mainstream and all the mums are really nice. Today there was a lady in giving us all information about dental health for our babies. If anyone is out there reading this and knows anything about DS and dental health please let me know your thoughts as I have heard that their teeth are an issue later in childhood / adulthood.  It was interesting and I learnt a few things but the best thing was the freebees – we got a tube of baby toothpaste, toothbrush, a toy and a cup. We played pass the parcel and everyone got a little pressie which was nice for the kids. Then took Lani on a nice long 4 mile walk and got in just before lunch. 


I have been working all afternoon so Lani has been playing nicely in the front room with Lee watching her. Lani is trying her hardest to learn to climb and Lee has been encouraging her to do so up him which is funny to watch, they have been playing row the boat and clapping. Lee is also fantastic at using makaton with Lani, I think we as her parents really do need to be on top of makaton as, if were singing off the same song sheet Lani will pick it up so much quicker. 


We are going to try Lani with her new cup tonight..... messy and in the kitchen me thinks lol. Then off to bed and an early night I am cream crackered.

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