Friday 26 October 2012

Top Downs Syndrome tips and the last post..... (for now!!)

Last Blog of the month.

This is my last blog and I want to say such a huge thank you to everyone for reading the blog. My original aim was to help my friends and family to see what it is like to bring up Lani, she does have DS and it does make a difference to how we bring her up but I wanted to show how its not all so different and it defiantly is ok to have a child with DS.

Now one month on I am not only flattered how many people both known and anonymous have made such nice comments about our family (one of my fears of starting this up was to have some horrid person take the mick out of my lil girl so I am delighted that hasn’t happened) but also how many people have said its helped them to understand DS more.  I have also made a new friend with a local lady who has a child with DS as a direct result of this month long blog – how cool is that, its made a real difference, I am well chuffed. 

A few interesting blog stats from the month...

Top 5 posts

1)      DS diagnosis just 3 hours after birth                                         536
2)      The month of October is DS awareness month                         359
3)      3 Main indicators Lani had which gave a DS diagnosis              157
4)      Welcome to Holland                                                                149
5)      Why Lanis tong does not stick out                                            136

Page views at point of before this last blog is published..... 3,448 so I know we will hit over 3,500 before the day is out. 

The vast majority of people read the blog via face book and second most via google, they read it via windows then i Phone then i Pad in third place.

We Had 11 countries involved... in order ...UK, USA, France, Jersey, Russia , Germany, Canada, Denmark, Australia, Switzerland , New Zealand. Thank you so much to my international friends who must have shared to their fb or helped me spread the word xx 

Its been fun but a lot harder than I realised, on average I have spent about one and half hours per day on it so to get that back will be nice, I will every now and then update the blog on special occasions. Its Lanis birthday on the 7th of November so I will put up some pics of that for you and of course let you know about her fits and how we get on with the EEG. 

The last thing I would like to talk about is my top tips, what I have learnt, heard, practice. 

Just like in the X”In no particular order”...

Use Makaton to help develop communication.
Look for the good in every situation – if you don’t you’ll go mad!!!
If you meet someone who has just had a child with DS congratulate them – its a good thing, all babies are precious.
Like on “meet the fockers” celebrate ever little achievement and be proud, for a kid with DS to achieve it would have been so hard – if a regular kid put in as much effort on things as a DS child has too than we would have a high achieving nation!!!!! (This is in my opinion).
Accept all the help you can get – people want to help and if they have the knowhow to improve your Childs life, grab it with both hands.
Apply for the benefits money you are entitled too – having a child with DS cost serious money.
Push for Physio and speech therapy.
Never forget this is your Childs childhood, make it fun, enjoy every moment, create memories.
No matter how your feeling on a low day always smile so your child never knows what pain you are feeling.
Commit to show your child how to eat nutritious / healthy and that exercise is fun (this week we have brought Lani a bike trailer so we can go out cycling with her).
Meet up with other mums, they can be a life line.
If your not happy with a diagnosis or outcome of a situation – push, push and push a little more till you get what you want, don’t accept no for an answer.
Know what battles are worth the fight and walk away from things / people that don’t make a difference.
Believe in your abilities its amazing what can be achieved if only you believe it can be done.
Make time to chill out and play.

Thank you again for your support, what a journey were on and to have you enjoy it with us is great. All the best in your life and if you ever want to contact me please do so via this blog, always happy to help xx 


Me (Livvy Gosney) Lee (my hubby) and our special little daughter Leilani AKA Lani, Lan, poppet, poo bum monkey fish lol.

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