Friday 12 October 2012

Weighty issues will Downs Syndrome make Lani over weight?

Weighty issues will Downs Syndrome make Lani over weight?

From what I know, Downs Syndrome doesn’t make people gain weight, but two other things could affect her weight in the future. 1 over eating / eating the wrong things and 2 Thyroid problems,  I will talk about Lanis Thyroid first.

When she was born she had a regular heal prick test in hospital, by now Lani had more blinkin blood taken out of her than I can tell you and I was fed up past my back teeth with the doctors hurting her, blood for this, blood for that and her feet were just covered in tiny little scabs and it broke my heart. We were told the results would be back within two weeks and that if there was a problem they would contact us, time passed and then there was a knock at the front door. It was a midwife she came in and told me that Lanis results had come back and that she did have a Thyroid problem, They wanted to recheck her blood as it was right on the border line. I agreed and let them stab her little feet again and off she went, I remember shutting the door behind her and then crying my heart out – what did it mean? how would it affect her? It was all a bit much and Lee had to come home from work to console me because for me I felt like the world was collapsing all around me.  A few weeks later we had heard nothing and we had an appointment with Lanis paediatrician, we voiced our concerns and she made a call there and then and found out the results. Lani was on the border line but in fact just under it, great this is good news right? Yes to a degree it does mean that Lani will be closely monitored which means lots of blood test on a regular basis but needs must I guess. The only time since Lani has been born that I have lost my temper with anyone is when a few months ago Lani was having another test done for her Thyroid by a “Doctor” and she decide to get her blood out of the crease in her arm, I suggested to the “Doctor” that it would be hard to get blood from there as Lanis veins are like mine and very deep, perhaps the back of her hand would be better. She told me that deep veins were just a myth!! And she could get blood out of Lanis arm so I let her and she messed it up so bad – no blood !!  oh you failed and have hurt my little girl (seriously unhappy) so then she tried the hand and messed that up too and there was blood everywhere, Lani was screaming, I was at my wits end and did a bit of shouting at her, not helpful I know sometimes emotions get the better of us.  She is still border line.

Over eating well who doesn’t!! We all sometimes have a little more than we should. I don’t want Lani to have weight issues at all but certainly not from something that can be due to lack of knowledge of nutrition / exercise or indeed discipline. I am dedicated to teaching Lani how to eat healthily / to enjoy exercise and understand the need to limit the naughty yummy stuff. Lani is very nearly one year old and she has not ever eaten chocolate, I also would not give her crisps because for me she would not get any nutritional value. So what does Lani eat???? Steamed / roasted veg (mashed), fish (Cod, Pilchards), chicken, Beef, pork, Cheese, eggs, Yogurt, lots of fruit steamed and raw, wetabix. I make a lot of homemade food such as spag bol, quiche, Thai, Lasagne, curries, couscous, salads, pasta and pesto, roasts. For tea Lani eats what we eat and every day I consciously consider her food and what she will get from it. As for exercise I try and lead by example, I gave up exercise at 6 months pregnant and after my C Section was unable, and to be honest unwilling to do too much for some months after.  The weight piled on and I knew it was no good, I had never been that big before and have been determined to lose it and more (nearly 3 stone since the day I had Lani whoop whoop). I try to every other day I take Lani out in the pushchair and we power walk and jog for about 4 mils. I think it gives Lani fresh air which I am sure is great for her, it gives her a chance to see the sky, trees, animals, fields and smell the wind, farms, rain on the road and the freshly cut grass. All these experiences I hope enhance her learning about the world we live in and help to show her exercise is fun, because I enjoy it hopefully she will too. 


Blog diary

12th October 2012


Another early start, 9am and we were at our photographers (check him out on line, his photography is amazing )to see the outcome of the photo shoot on Monday. Mark took hundreds of photos and narrowed it down to about 70 for us to look at. Lani is very photogenic and feels comfortable behind the lens, we had pictures of her in her little Ralph Lauren dress, sitting, standing holding onto some luggage trunks, sat in a tin bath, with some ducks, in a picnic basket, with a union jack flag and wrapped up in a lovely soft white towel. This is one of the hardest things Lee and I have ever had to do, when every photo is fantastic and the subject (our little princess) is so perfect. We were able to take our time and slowly narrow them down to just 4, phew what a task. Photos to follow shortly.

Off swimming and to do some hydrotherapy, Lani is such a good girl in the water. I can dunk her, splash her, swoosh her about and she just giggles. I find doing makaton very hard to do when in the pool as both my hands are full up with baby. We only ever do half an hour as Lani can’t control her body temp due to her Downs Syndrome, if she gets hot she can’t cool down herself and the same if she gets cold she just can’t warm herself so I have to keep a very close eye on her constantly. 


We have done lots of physio that we learnt from yesterday at the hospital, Lani is so willing to try and puts in such a huge effort. We have also played with her toys together and I was a human climbing frame!! I like to give Lani nappy free time every day and keep a keen eye open for any mishaps that happen, I sat her on the potty for 5 minutes today to see if she would go – she didn’t. Does anyone have any advice on potty training?? My friend has said to try just sitting her on a potty and make a huge fuss if she does go, this sounds good to me but any further advice would be very welcome.  What age did you start to potty train or at what developmental milestone??


Tonight we are just going to look forward to Lee coming home so our weekend can start, we have Lanis rattle out so I can’t hear the news!! Maybe I will change it for a less noisy toy lol. 

My friend helped me out again (whoop whoop) and gave me this question that she has been asked which also prompted me to let you know my thoughts on the subject as written above. Thank you my lovely friend xx 

Q – I have also have been asked about weight problems and will she be a chunk?

 A – I say yeah if I take her to MacDonalds everyday then maybe, but like her brother I will give her a healthy diet. I know some people with downs have thyroid problems but this can be managed and is monitored.

Yet again a great answer, any more questions for me?? lol xxx

Tomorrow morning Lani has her flu jab (sad face coz it will hurt her) (happy  face coz Lani has a low immune system so will benefit from it). 

I had planned not to blog at the weekends to give me all the time to spend with my lovely hubby and awesome baby but because this week I have not been posting pictures due to lack of time I will put on a photo blog showing the week as I have been taking the pics.

Have a great weekend and I will be back and on top form Monday xx

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