Thursday 11 October 2012

Downs Syndrome wont stop me from Walking!! watch me go on a treadmill.

Downs Syndrome wont stop me from Walking!! watch me go on a treadmill.

There is a wonderful new therapy in the UK coming across the pond from the USA for children with DS and is called Treadmill intervention. Lani has physiotherapy at Hospital which is where we heard about it and by all accounts children who use this therapy will walk up to a year earlier than other children with DS. The average age of a child with DS is likely to walk at around 23months, compared to a child without DS walking at 12 / 13 months. Currently only one other family based at our Hospital are taking on this new challenge to help their child to walk and we are hoping to be the second family to try and improve our daughters life.

The treadmill intervention offers repeated opportunities to improve balance, build strength in the lower extremities, and stimulate the neuronal connections that are involved in the generation of independent walking. Developmentally, it has been suggested that sufficient strength and balance are 2 critical requisites for the onset of independent walking. One of the positives is the overall effect that enhanced onset of independent locomotion will have in the global development of children with DS. Previous research has demonstrated that the onset of locomotion has positive effects on cognitive and socio-emotional development in infants with disabilities such as DS.

We as parents will have to take the lead on the training as time on the treadmill needs to happen 5 days per week, building up from one minute to eventually 8 minutes per day once Lani has mastered the forward movement and therefore, will, in the future  demonstrated the ability to walk independently.

Blog diary

11th October 2012


Up off and out early again to pick up a photo we have had done of Lani a few weeks ago(one of the free ones from Boots), then head down to Lanis hospital for an appointment with her physio. We arrived early !!!! and so went to the restaurant and had a drink. I got Lani a carton of orange juice and tried her with a straw which sort of worked but quite a lot was blown out lol. When we went in for our appointment Lanis physio was so pleased with her, our mission over the last month has been supported kneeling which Lani has well achieved and indeed moved on to pull to stand. So after showing off our physio started to get her to play on the benches whilst standing and then started work on helping Lani to learn to walk along it while holding on. It was a brilliant session and I always come out of physio enthused to help Lani to move on to new and exciting things. Lots to work on but what a great progress and when you see results like we do with Lani its so inspiring.  


Spent the afternoon round my friends house chatting and letting the kids just play – fantastic. 


Lani has worked hard today so we will JC (just chill) tonight, have cuddles and watch some TV before bed time. 

Q – I have seen Downs Syndrome children of 8/9/10 yrs old in push chairs...why?

 A – Well its all to do with hypertonia (low muscle tone). Not all children will need the extra help but some will find walking a long way difficult as the muscles will get tired very quickly. As today we had physio and walking is such a huge part of what we are working towards I have added this film of Lani learning to use the treadmill. This was her first ssessin where we  attempted it, now Lani will happily walk for a few steps when I hold onto her hands, she is doing so well, I am so so proud of her achievement.


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