Friday 5 October 2012

Why Lanis toungue does not stick out!!!

A picture from Lanis first holiday to Greece - she is such a sweetie - enjoy xx 


How To say her name..... I now realise that I must have chosen the most difficult name for people to pronounce... she gets called all sorts of names. Her name is Leilani and you say it “Lay” as in lay you head on a pillow... “Lani” the same as nanny but with an “L” Leilani. Sometimes I call her Lan but then people say “Dan” NOOOOOOOO lol. I get embarrassed correcting people too many times so I give up and let them say it however they say it, I guess my confidence will come in time to put people right even after explaining it to them.

Lanis tongue.... Right from the start in hospital I was told that a typical feature of a DS baby is that there tongue sticks out, someone said to me that it was important to get Lani to use her tongue as much as possible to strengthen it as it would also have low muscle tone and the stronger it was the more likely Lani would have the ability to keep in held in. So from when she was born I played a little game with her, when ever that little tongue came out to say hello I tickled the end of it gave Lani a huge smile and said “put it away” and as soon as it went back in I clapped and told her she was a good girl (always using makaton). Sometimes we would play it for ages as she learnt to stick it out and then pop it away again. It was a good game and so many people comment to me how Lanis tongue doesn’t stick out. Also I never poke my tongue out at her and strongly encourage no one else to unless it is to show Lani it moving from side to side or up and down and try and get her to copy. Did this work or not ???? who know but I felt it was worth a go and it seems to have worked. 

5th October 2012


Lani has been acting very strange today and has slept like never before, there have been other things that has worried me like a virtually dry nappy over night and the pee that was in there smelt very strong. Lani also had bruising that disappeared!!!! She was eating a banana for breakfast and would be fighting me one second by pushing the spoon away and the bowl then just kept on dropping off to sleep in seconds!!! I called the Doc and made an appointment. The Doc checked her over and said nothing is wrong just to take her home and cuddle her and let her sleep. So that is just what I have done, I just have a feeling that something’s just not right. 


She has slept nearly all afternoon and not eaten her lunch, she screamed so bad when I tryed to feed her. I am so worried. Lee has come home and she is quietly sat with him, but seems a little more perky. 


????? I don’t know yet what to do, tea, bath, bed, with lots of cuddles sounds about right.

Q – Come on my lovely followers I need more questions to answer............
A –

Over the weekend I wont be posting, but back like normal with weekend updates on Monday – have a great weekend xx

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