Thursday 18 October 2012

Its not all so different when you have Downs Syndrome.

Likes and dislikes

As far as this is concerned Lani is a regular kid, there are things she likes and stuff she doesn’t.

What Lani likes....

Me and her Dad lol


Her toys

Lemon Juice



Standing up

Round and round the garden

Being tickled

Having hugs and kisses


Spaghetti Bolognese

Being ignored when she wants attention


Being put in the car seat

Having her nappy put on

So you see she is pretty regular when it comes to things like this....

Blog diary

18th October 2012


This morning I took Lani swimming again, now I had an amazing idea because Lani can hate getting changed so I put on her swim knickers at home and then a nappy over the top so all I had to cope with when I got there was getting her in her costume..... it didn’t work (sad face) she had a little tiddle on me when I was paying to get in!!!! Ooops lol never mind worth a try. 

So it turned out that was the start of a horrendous swim session. Why I hear you ask what happened, well no word of a lie, no other mummys were there I was all alone in the that’s not too bad but the town we go to for swimming is a super garrison and try having the whole of the British Army in the big pool having a ”lets see who drowns while swimming lengths in full uniform with back packs on”!!!! And some jumped up PTI (physical training instructor) screaming at them.  Well I tell you walking out with my swimming cozzie on (embarrasing!!!) tentatively like an idiot because I am always petrified of slipping while holding Lani and having her blow up seat on my head because in the changing room I thought it was a good idea, leaving my hands free to carry lani!!!! Wrong.....Oh world just swallow me up I could have turned on my heals and gone home there and then.  But this is about helping my little girl so with gritted teach I held my head up high like I just didn’t care and carried on (Good British Attitude).

Bring it on - let go swimmng...

Happy days with my mummy...

Only the third time I have got this toe in my mouth and my mum takes a picture ......

Swimming is great but I am gong to sleep on the way home...

We had fun together and did all of her physio also every time we go I dunk her under... I hate it but she loves it – always comes up splattering then giggles, bless. Lani has only ever put her foot in her mouth twice before and today she did it and I have a photo to show you – one very proud mummy xx 

To eat all of my lunch, not to eat all of my lunch .... This is the question......

When we got home Lani ate for England, possibly the largest meal she has ever had then she slept for England. 

I'm stuffed......


Lani and I have been doing bits and bobs with Lee this afternoon, we had to do a little shop at Tesco and for the first time ever we tried Lani in the big seat not the baby one, she was fine – I got a photo of this too.  Every day I do Lanis physio – she is getting very good at her situps on the exercise ball, Lani always gives 100% effort and its paying off for her. 

Check me out, I'm a big girl now...

why am I here in my PJ's mum???


Lots of cuddles with her daddy and a nice bath before bed.  We are off to hospital tomorrow so for us as a family its going to be a big day.

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